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Collado Reserve and a Carbon Offset and Reforestation Program

Jan 25, 2019 | Ecotourism, Nicaragua

Collado Reserve and a Carbon Offset and Reforestation Program

Jan 25, 2019 | Ecotourism, Nicaragua

Costa Dulce Surf and Yoga Retreat is an Nicaragua eco lodge. Which can be somewhat of an oxymoron. People travel long distances ( damaging the environment) to enjoy nature ( the environment). Fortunately people are becoming conscious of their actions and Costa Dulce is situated perfectly to mitigate any damage your travel does and you can have the best vacation or yoga retreat ever at the same time.

We are working in partnership with Vital Actions to create the Collado Reserve. Many guests who visited Costa Dulce have already visited the reserve. If you have been on our waterfall tour/jungle hike you have experienced part of the reserve and what it is protecting. The reserve is part of the endangered dry tropical forest and interacts with the fragile coastal eco systems.


In this eco-reserve there are many endangered and threatened species. From sloths, monkeys, Jaguars to beautiful birds and butterflies and everything in between. The reforestation project seeks to restore the dry forest to it’s natural splendor by replanting native species that include Sacjuanjoche (plumeria), Ceiba, Teak, Mahogany, the super food producing Moringa tree and many more.

So far we have managed to protect 20 acres and strive to protect up to 1200 acres of land. Not only are we protecting land, reforesting it, and sequestering carbon, we will also create real long term jobs for locals.


In order to accomplish this mission, we need your support! Basically $1000, will buy you one acre…. every penny definitely counts and will be invested in sustaining Nicaraguan Wildlife. This way, 25 cents will buy you 1 square meter and 2.5 cents will buy you 1 square feet of the reserve…., So if you for example donate 50$, you’d buy 200 square meter ( 20 square feet), a space that will be used to plant about 7 trees. Visit the reserve and take part in the reforestation program . Best way to donate is right here on go fund me.

Jungle waterfall nature tour Colllado Reserve, Costa Dulce, Nicaragua. Jungle waterfall nature tour Colllado Reserve, Costa Dulce, Nicaragua.


One 40 year old tree will sequester up to 1 ton of carbon. It is important to note that we are acquiring land that has been degraded so we will be able to make improvements in two fronts capturing carbon and creating stable long term employment in an community that really needs jobs.

Here at Costa Dulce we really strive for green living, and better future for all. Come for your first visit or come back to see old friends. We are looking forward to seeing you 🙂

#ecolodge #ecolodge #ecolodge #yogaretreat #nicaragua #carbonoffset #carbonnegativevacation #volunteernicaragua #ColladoReserve


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