An Eco Lodge in Nicaragua

An Eco Lodge in Nicaragua

For too long humans have been making decisions without being conscious of our mother earth. Now we must take her into consideration every step of the way. And that includes you planning your vacation.   We must think about how our actions affect the planet. We have...
Yoga and Sustainable Travel

Yoga and Sustainable Travel

Here at Costa Dulce Surf and Yoga Retreat, we understand the desire to travel. Seeing new places, getting to know a different culture, and trying exotic foods are some of the joys that inspire us to explore the world! Yet, we also realize that traveling and the...
Birder’s Paradise

Birder’s Paradise

To say that Costa Dulce Surf and Yoga Retreat has an abundance of wildlife nearby is an understatement. We are blessed by Rio Escameca which, while slows to trickle during the dry season still provides fresh water for many animals in the area. We hope to change this...

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